Thursday 15 December 2011

The Dark Side of me

The Dark Side of me
I sit there alone, not a smile to my bone
My voice a harsh whispered tone.
Slashes on my wrists, arms and hands, my mouth in a bloody grin.
... My whole life like I had committed a terrible sin.
Your voice an annoying buzz, false tone, true lies.
If I could speak, I’d say in an almighty sigh.
“ Stop it with the sympathy and pretending to care,
I can see the real you through the false stare
I don’t want your help, your manners, your good grace,
Just say it, you hate me. I can see it in your face.
You’re wasting my time don’t you see?
Don’t look so surprised, this is the dark side of me”

By Samantha Montrose

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Alone in a crowd

A chattering crowd swarms around me, Surrounded by people I sit alone. When people are talking but not to me, Their senseless chatter builds forming a wall of sound slowly combining into a wash of unintelligible noise that isolates and secludes me, I may be packed together in a grid of body’s but I am also alone, locked away in a cell of meaningless sound.
I am alone
Alone in a crowd

Sunday 27 November 2011

Bad mistakes

When your running from your self
From your past
From your failure
You really have to have a hard look
Do you have the strength to change
Or will you just keep hurting your self?
Can you fight it
Is it even worth trying

Masking tears


The helper stared hard at his prey
A trouble, worried that could not stay
He stared at it with fearless eyes
And off it ran, howling at the sky

Turning to the just saved friend
He smiled saying “that won’t be back again”
Striding confidently devoid of fears
The mask comes off, out pour the tears

The face shown was just a lie
As curling up he begins to cry
Till once again that mask he dawn’s
That smiling mask, inside forlorn  

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Your pain

I have a friend going through tough times. after suffering for years at the hands of a abusive mother she is finaly rid of her. but the effects are still really visable. she keeps hurting her self as she just doesnt feel the pain. she has learned to help and deal with her own problems by her self with out the help of any one. 
please be carefull  
Your pain is my pain
Your used to living with pain, have lived with it all your life.
I am not used to someone having to.
I have lived what you would probably call a protected live
Been cared for by a loving family and if there were problems then
I was usually to blame
That’s why It hurts to see and to know that pain
was and is an everyday occurrence for her  
even to the Point where it stops hurting.
She shouldn’t have to live like that
So I just sit here crying on the inside and talk to her like nothing is wrong
There is not a problem in the world
Even though its killing us both

I miss you.

My dog was put down tonight :(
It was painfull seeing her suffer. her back legs just died on her
so we had to do it. but the suffering still hurt us soo much.
becase she was always a really happy and strong dog.
I hope its ok :(

I Miss you
It kills me to feel your once strong heart beat flutter and fade
Your once strong body unable to move
Your once powerfull limbs unable to function
You will be with us not much longer
I just wish you could be your old self till u leave
... if i could heal you I would
but having to watch is what is worst
seeing the once strong fall is soo painful.

RIP Misty

Saturday 12 November 2011

Flying- falling- breaking

The world is falling apart.
My friends are falling, and I’m the one breathlessly running around trying to catch them all.
They are all cracking, falling to pieces, and I’m the one there with the sticky tape and glue trying to pick up the broken pieces of their shattered lives with fingers held together with duct tape and a soul begging for repair.
I’m only one person, but I am carrying the weight of many on my young shoulders. The lives of many, the ones I love balance dangerously close to tipping.
How much longer can I keep this balancing act up?
How much longer can the glue and tape hold
Before we are end up shattering on the ground?

Friday 11 November 2011


Being grumpy after getting smashed at a game I had never played before.

Being annoyed when asked why I don't like said game after being smashed at the game I had never played before.

Being mad when the asker gets mad that I don't like her favourite game after she has smashed me at the game I had never played before

Being pissed off when the asker storms off after being mad that I don’t like her favourite game after she has smashed me at the game I had never played before

Being worried, stuck in class hoping she doesn’t do anything dangerous.

Being worried  

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Memories in the wind

memories drifting like dust
Memories float like dust a flying
Frozen in beams of sunlight in a quiet still room
The happy times drifting lightly slipping sliding far away
The sad ones heavy, filled with tears.
The raw emotions way them down.
Dead they fall from empty air
Falling flakes upon the ground.
As my life blood seeps away
And my spirit starts to fly
Memories lay a scattered round
Body lying still and silent
Lonely on that empty ground

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bloody wrists and broken hearts

I wrote this poem after seeing this image

It about the reasons why someone would want to slash them self’s. I don’t really have any description about why I wrote this but here it is.

As I lie here
Blood pooling
Head spinning
Heart bleeding
Heart breaking

One thought fights its way
To the forefront of my mind


Why doesn’t she love me?
Why am I not good enough?
Why doesn’t it hurt?

“Why doesn’t it hurt” :
This is the thought going through my head
when it finally processes the blurry shapes   
the muffled voices louder than gunfire barely
reaches my ears.

My heart is slowing
My fission is failing
I’m floating
On a river of blood
On board my bloody
Broken heart

Monday 17 October 2011

I Hide My Eyes

When I am feeling emotions that I do not like or want to show then I actually cover , or hide my eyes. This can be done by putting my head in my hands or binding my eyes with something such as cloth. This stops others seeing the emotions and makes me feel safer. Its kind of like a hug from a person. It makes you feel like the world isn’t so huge and scary. Not being able to see makes me feel like there bad things out there don’t actually exist and the ones that do can't see my pain. I am also scared of crowds so it makes me feel like the crowds aren’t so big and aren’t all looking at me.
I also broke my rule about never rhyming and this is a example why I don’t do it. I have stuffed up the rhyming pattern. I did write it during a theatre performance so that’s probably the reason for the poor rhyming.
I hope you like it
I Hide My Eyes
I hide my eyes
I can not see
There hidden from
 all those around me.

My hidden eyes
Stop’s the show
Of dark emotions
From deep below

As I stare through blinded eyes
I miss the glances
Of passes by

I hade away from my fears
And bottle up my unshed tears
If I can’t see then neither can they
The feelings that’ve returned
From far away

I fight, trying to hold them back
But fall to my knees and am
Beaten back
Slammed into the wall and lying
Curled into a ball, heart dying

Cut up inside my body lies
Blind eyes stare blankly at
Broken skies
My mind is swamped
 with doubt and lies
and in that haze my
 mind decides
that every face wears
 accusing eyes

so I stay scared, overwhelmed
wishing for a place to call my own
wishing for she I can call mine
unseen tears fall from sightless eyes

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Mind of a Masochist

I have always been interested in the idea's of sadism and masochism. this poem is my idea of how a masochist whould think. I find it interesting. i have to say: most of my poems are based around some truth but this one Isn't. It is very dark and there is more dark ones coming.

Mind of a masochist  

I scream as I cut again,
Yes!! Ahhh the Punishment, I giggle through my tears.
I deserve this . this pain is the punishment for my crimes. My screams mixed with manic laughter, echo through my brain as the knife drops from my grasp.
The loud clatter it makes as it hits the floor struggles to be heard over the echoing screams still bouncing around my skull.
I stare at it for a moment, just as the echo’s pass then follow it down as the world faids to red.

Its only quick, then I’m on the ground. Vision clearing as I lay there with my heart pounding, head throbbing, blood pouring.
I let out something, a mixture between a sob and a laugh as I fumble around blindly for the knife, hand eventaly connecting with the sliperly blood soaked handle, holding it for strength before I try to rise but pause, waiting to regain strength.

When I’m ready I try again, grabbing a near by wall as I struggle to lift my shaking body on to legs of rubber. I latch onto a table which I use to get me stager into a standing position, I stand there swaying , staggering around trying to stay upright and make a shaky step forwards.
My vision blurs as I stumble, crashing into some unseen object and fall. Vision disappearing. Then there is pain again, greeting me as I fall, fall into the endless oblivion of darkness  

Thursday 29 September 2011

Don't forget to smile : )

Hey peeps
im "smily face" , one of cleftlipkids friends
i wrote this poem because i was bored and one of friends from church was going through a rough time with dipression so i just wrote this poem to help lift there spirits. being a christian also helped so yeh hopfully this will also have n impact on your life.

Here is a little something to read when feeling down
What ever you do Never frown
for some one out there is thinking of you.
You might not know who,
you might not know why,
what ever it is try not to cry.

That last bid didn't make sence
but hey god knows why,
he's looking down at you right now
with love in his heart,
you might not know why
but hey you're loved.

cause that only leads to more pain.
if your feeling down sing Monty Python,
it might not do much but at least its somethin.

Now remember this when life sucks,

"worse things happened at sea you know"
"Always look on the bright side of life"


Tuesday 27 September 2011

Young love and rejection: addicted to a certain kind of sadness

Young love: it’s a good thing, when it works. When it doesn’t it destroys you and when its all you have been hanging on to it hurts so much more. I wrote this while getting over some a person.  It’s the story of some one just me who just can't give up, just can't forget even though he knows its useless. It’s sad poem that I contains broken hearts and shattered hopes.

Addicted to a certain kind of sadness
“Your love will never be mine”
In my head this is crystal clear,
But my heart is still clinging to that sliver of hope.
The hope, the dream you could be mine.

The sadness hurts but the hope hurts more.
But I can’t seem to give up on it.
I am addicted to a certain kind of sadness,
It’s called you

“The quicker you realise, the quicker it healing starts”
But how can you change your feelings for some one?
Especially ones so strong

Yes the sadness hurts
But I can’t bring myself to let go of that tiny bit of hope
That has been keeping me going.

I’m addicted to the pain
I’m addicted to the sadness
I’m addicted to you  

Sunday 25 September 2011

HappySadFacedMaskedOne: for a friend

I decided to write this poem for a friend who was going through a hard time. The idea behind this was she always seemed happy, always care free, it was only when you dug deeper that you discovered it was all a mask. A happy mask that covered a sad face, so thus the name HappySadFacedMaskedOne came around. Later on I realised that the name also applied to me so I took the name on my self. And if u google said name you will get my steam profile ( I am the only one with the name J)
I wrote it to show her that she isn’t alone and that I really appreciate all the help she had given me.
 I succeeded. Here it is
Hidden behind a mask of smiles
Is a face that is hiding tears.
Deep beneath that happy exterior
Is a person going through emotional trauma.

But this person has a way with words.
This loving, caring person
Doesn’t let her pain break her will,
but strengthen her,
teach her, not tear her apart.
She uses her pain to help others in need.

But she can’t always suffer in silence,
No shouldn’t, shouldn’t have to.
But we don’t always get what we want do we?

But there may be method in her madness
A flash of brilliance in a dark time.
Is that light at the end of the tunnel,
Or is it your eyes?
It can be whatever you chose.

Doesn’t it suck to have the one you love not even know you exist?
Well yes but if it helps I know how you feel.
Of you keep on working you will reap the rewards,
The harder you work the sweeter the reward ey?

Well all i can say is stay strong happy sad.
You can get there,
It may seem futile at times but it is never futile.
Never stop trying happy sad one,
You are not alone.
Happy sad masked one
You are not alone

So thankyou because of you neither am I.

Saturday 24 September 2011

First Post: Behind a wall of hair.

Hellow folks.
For a first post i thought i might start with a short one.
This one is called behind a wall of hair. it is writen around the idea me wanting to be able to hide behind my hair( i have long curly hair) and go to a different place and be a different person.

Behind a wall of hair is a land of good and evil.
It is a place, a safe haven for happiness, a light house of happiness surrounded by a vast raging sea of tears.
But also a place of darkness. A harbour for fear to stop into on its long lonely voyage on the sea of tears.
A place where the evil is hidden from the unknowing, uncaring world.
When I go there I can do what I want, I can be who I want to be: anyone but who I am, and face the world as a different person from a different view .One that doesn’t carry the burden of my scars, one who doesn’t suffer,
One were the consequences are smaller and emotions hidden
Some where, behind a wall of hair.

It is only short but i think it is direct and to the point.
there will be more coming soon as i get this started

till then

cleft out