Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bloody wrists and broken hearts

I wrote this poem after seeing this image

It about the reasons why someone would want to slash them self’s. I don’t really have any description about why I wrote this but here it is.

As I lie here
Blood pooling
Head spinning
Heart bleeding
Heart breaking

One thought fights its way
To the forefront of my mind


Why doesn’t she love me?
Why am I not good enough?
Why doesn’t it hurt?

“Why doesn’t it hurt” :
This is the thought going through my head
when it finally processes the blurry shapes   
the muffled voices louder than gunfire barely
reaches my ears.

My heart is slowing
My fission is failing
I’m floating
On a river of blood
On board my bloody
Broken heart

1 comment:

  1. the muffled voices louder than gunfire barely
    reaches my ears.

    That's my favourite line ;)
