
Hello Internet and welcome to the little part of the internet that we like to call Life In Ink.
It’s a little place for us to share stories, poetry and other texts.
We started this blog because we both have a love of writing poetry and really appreciate the emotion and skill that goes into it. By putting our poetry out there we hope others get appreciation from reading it and get something out of it. If you do like what we are doing then please feel free to comment and follow us.
I hope you enjoy it.

Below is some info about us , our personalities, why we wright poetry and more.

Cleft Lip Kid: hey folks
My name is Aiden Sharplin or Cleft Lip Kid when online. I also go by the name HappySadFacedMaskedOne at times.
I really enjoy writing poetry because It’s a way of expressing emotions and telling stories. I love the emotion and feeling they express. I feel that every poem whether it’s based on real events or not have a important story to tell.
My poems are usually fairly dark but I try to make them meaningful and pack them as full of as much emotion as I can. When I am writing I tend to get a idea or emotion in my head and base the poem around that. I do not rhyme.  i believe that rhyming limits the possibilities you have when writing.
My poems can also become a mixture between a poem and  a short story.
No matter what I write I always have fun doing 
And for me that’s all that matters

insert geneal about me text here.