Monday 17 October 2011

I Hide My Eyes

When I am feeling emotions that I do not like or want to show then I actually cover , or hide my eyes. This can be done by putting my head in my hands or binding my eyes with something such as cloth. This stops others seeing the emotions and makes me feel safer. Its kind of like a hug from a person. It makes you feel like the world isn’t so huge and scary. Not being able to see makes me feel like there bad things out there don’t actually exist and the ones that do can't see my pain. I am also scared of crowds so it makes me feel like the crowds aren’t so big and aren’t all looking at me.
I also broke my rule about never rhyming and this is a example why I don’t do it. I have stuffed up the rhyming pattern. I did write it during a theatre performance so that’s probably the reason for the poor rhyming.
I hope you like it
I Hide My Eyes
I hide my eyes
I can not see
There hidden from
 all those around me.

My hidden eyes
Stop’s the show
Of dark emotions
From deep below

As I stare through blinded eyes
I miss the glances
Of passes by

I hade away from my fears
And bottle up my unshed tears
If I can’t see then neither can they
The feelings that’ve returned
From far away

I fight, trying to hold them back
But fall to my knees and am
Beaten back
Slammed into the wall and lying
Curled into a ball, heart dying

Cut up inside my body lies
Blind eyes stare blankly at
Broken skies
My mind is swamped
 with doubt and lies
and in that haze my
 mind decides
that every face wears
 accusing eyes

so I stay scared, overwhelmed
wishing for a place to call my own
wishing for she I can call mine
unseen tears fall from sightless eyes


  1. Hey!! I really like the second last stanza ;) If you don't mind a bit of criticism, I find that two first stanzas don't quite fit with the rest of the poem, I think it's because their rhythmic pattern is different. Not saying it's bad though - afterall, poetry is a free and personal way to express yourself. Keep up the good work :)

  2. thanks soooo much for commenting ( its the first one i have got ) will take the info in and try to make it better. thanks again
