Saturday 12 November 2011

Flying- falling- breaking

The world is falling apart.
My friends are falling, and I’m the one breathlessly running around trying to catch them all.
They are all cracking, falling to pieces, and I’m the one there with the sticky tape and glue trying to pick up the broken pieces of their shattered lives with fingers held together with duct tape and a soul begging for repair.
I’m only one person, but I am carrying the weight of many on my young shoulders. The lives of many, the ones I love balance dangerously close to tipping.
How much longer can I keep this balancing act up?
How much longer can the glue and tape hold
Before we are end up shattering on the ground?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just linked you on my blog (it's under "Links" in the menu on the right) - hope that brings you some more visitors :)
