Saturday 24 September 2011

First Post: Behind a wall of hair.

Hellow folks.
For a first post i thought i might start with a short one.
This one is called behind a wall of hair. it is writen around the idea me wanting to be able to hide behind my hair( i have long curly hair) and go to a different place and be a different person.

Behind a wall of hair is a land of good and evil.
It is a place, a safe haven for happiness, a light house of happiness surrounded by a vast raging sea of tears.
But also a place of darkness. A harbour for fear to stop into on its long lonely voyage on the sea of tears.
A place where the evil is hidden from the unknowing, uncaring world.
When I go there I can do what I want, I can be who I want to be: anyone but who I am, and face the world as a different person from a different view .One that doesn’t carry the burden of my scars, one who doesn’t suffer,
One were the consequences are smaller and emotions hidden
Some where, behind a wall of hair.

It is only short but i think it is direct and to the point.
there will be more coming soon as i get this started

till then

cleft out

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