Sunday 25 September 2011

HappySadFacedMaskedOne: for a friend

I decided to write this poem for a friend who was going through a hard time. The idea behind this was she always seemed happy, always care free, it was only when you dug deeper that you discovered it was all a mask. A happy mask that covered a sad face, so thus the name HappySadFacedMaskedOne came around. Later on I realised that the name also applied to me so I took the name on my self. And if u google said name you will get my steam profile ( I am the only one with the name J)
I wrote it to show her that she isn’t alone and that I really appreciate all the help she had given me.
 I succeeded. Here it is
Hidden behind a mask of smiles
Is a face that is hiding tears.
Deep beneath that happy exterior
Is a person going through emotional trauma.

But this person has a way with words.
This loving, caring person
Doesn’t let her pain break her will,
but strengthen her,
teach her, not tear her apart.
She uses her pain to help others in need.

But she can’t always suffer in silence,
No shouldn’t, shouldn’t have to.
But we don’t always get what we want do we?

But there may be method in her madness
A flash of brilliance in a dark time.
Is that light at the end of the tunnel,
Or is it your eyes?
It can be whatever you chose.

Doesn’t it suck to have the one you love not even know you exist?
Well yes but if it helps I know how you feel.
Of you keep on working you will reap the rewards,
The harder you work the sweeter the reward ey?

Well all i can say is stay strong happy sad.
You can get there,
It may seem futile at times but it is never futile.
Never stop trying happy sad one,
You are not alone.
Happy sad masked one
You are not alone

So thankyou because of you neither am I.

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