Wednesday 7 November 2012

Losing it

Loseing control
Too much stress
Too much pain
I could let it all go
Loose it all I loose every thing I care about
So I have no more pain
I must lose control
Help me lose control !
Numb the pain ! LET IT GO!!!! Losing control
Too much stress
Too much pain
I could let it all go
Loose it all I loose every thing I care about
So I have no more pain
I must lose control
Help me lose control !
Numb the pain ! LET IT GO!!!!

Lose Control

There’s a trigger that goes off
A feeling that just snaps
When your pushed to a corner
And you gotta fight back
Find your inner f*****g strength
Motivated by there hate
Pull it out when in doubt
An just not give a f**k
Till you break em and they fall
See there pity as the crawl
Cause you’re tired and your weak
From those nights of restless sleep
When you feel like giving up
When you feel like throwing up
When you had it up to here
When you want to disappear


So rip it up
Tear it down
Smash it up
Burn it down
We’ve lost control of ourselves
Oh oh oh no

Don’t hold back
Let it go
Rise against

Lose control

Numb the pain

Let it flow

Brace yourself

Lose control-BOTDF

Monday 5 November 2012


What is a kiss?
In One Word: Heaven <3

When we kiss not only do our lips meet
but our hearts join hand in hand
our minds join out of undying love
and our souls join perfectly joining us together
as we will always be

Our hearts are one
Our minds are one
Our Blood is one

Your the one

The one for me

-Dedicated to Sam <3

Sunday 21 October 2012

Hello Friend

Let it all out 
let it all go 
Get out your blades
Let the blood flow

Run down your arms
trailing poison red
your pain will be gone 
your pain will be dead

Let it all out 
Let it all go 
Get out your blades
Let the blood flow

The sting of the blade
Welcome old friend
The  blood that follows
Your nearing your end

Let it all out 
Let it all go 

Get out your blades 

Let your self go

Friday 12 October 2012

Every thing i do ...

Every thing i do i do for you
you are who makes me who i am
you are my light in the darkest of times
who i will get up the earliest times in the morning for
and stay up till the sun rises in the soft blue sky

gYour there when i need you
i will be there ten times over for you
when you are in the darkness let me be your light
let me show you the way
Many hands make light work or so they say
every thing i do i do for you
my friends

Tuesday 2 October 2012


a smile ahead
coz im still in bed
you here becide me
it took me a while to see
that you are there

my head was bare
your beatuty whipes away my troubled thoughts
eyes on eyes no one faught
we move closer
there is a buzz from a toaster
we embrace is a hug
and although i feel like a mug
i know i am safe


I see you, I love you

i see you
standing their
standing bare
standing with care
standing Where
i am standing next to me
standing in my arms
loving you in my arms
loving all of your charms
charmes by your beauty
calmed by your beauty

For sam <3

Why try ?

why try, friends fall
why try, skies darken
Why try, friends die
There is nothing we can do
to save out crew
we stand in devestation
Streets dark, odd birds
rubbish blood gore, darkened scene
hand in hand alone
eyes closed lost friends
dead friends
a war for a lost cause
all over leaing nothg behind
like a plague people falling"leanign you and me
but my knees buckle, you hold me up, screaming
my eyes close, darkness rises
im falling like the fallen
your the last one left now


Too Tired

Too tired of the mask I wear

I crumble and cry out of despair

I fall down upon my knees

Realising their will never be a place for me

Instability is heaven

I sway I twist and bend screaming and shouting
Kicking and slashing anger , pain emotion thick in my voice
LEAVE ME ALONE ! I shout ! fuck off ! I don’t like you
But they keep coming , the emotions keep coming
My guilt my pain my anger keep coming ,attacking me , hurting me !

I grit my teeth ! your not getting the better of me today !
No one can take that from me !

Friday 14 September 2012

beneath the surface

This poem is kinda strange. I like the imagary in the start but it just got
 really really really really really weird after that. i think it needs more work
A swirling torrent of emotoins

A rushing cascade of thoughts

Bombarding me

Overwhelming me

I slip beneath the surface

Choaking on my unstable thoughts


They fill my mouth and rush down my throat

Overwhelming me and overpowering me

Till I am unable to fight

Unable to struggle

Unable to live

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Self-Control Or Lack Of It



I want something: so I get it

I don’t care what it is but I want it and I want it now

I don’t think about the consequences

I don’t think about anything

I ...

I ...

I ...


I am selfish

I have no self-control

I shouldn’t think of I but think of you

Think of what I’m doing to you  

How much I am hurting you

Breaking you

Destroying you


But I act not think

I should think

Think about others but no

Its all about me





I am worthless compared to the huge



Monday 10 September 2012

Don't give up

I struggle so hard but I’m almost at the end
One final stretch then I’ve made it my friend
I struggle, weep, bite and claw
Away from the darkness and its maw

Just grit your teeth and stand your ground
Surround yourself with those you love
By your side defiant they stand
To fight with you hand in hand.

For all those who are doing your final year at school don’t give up your almost there. Year 12 is almost over in Australia so just stand your ground and you can make it, we can make it.
Best of luck friends
-Cleft Lip Kid


Here I lie

Unable to decide

Hating my life

Hoping to die


Pathetically I cry

Tears streak form my eye

I try to deny

As I run from the lie

Sunday 9 September 2012

My Precious Friend

Ignore the differences
the differences between them and us
life and death you and me
In this night,
We can come together and breathe together
dance together, stand together.
Alone we are weak and vulnerable, together we have courage.
- The butterflies wings

thoes are words to live by. It is a extract from the poem the blood of a beast
It was written by My precious friend who resides at

She has a heart bigger then most
people don't understand her but they should
If they did they would see her true beauty

I am truely blessed to know her

Saturday 8 September 2012

Break me

Our lips touch and my heart cry’s out

A pleading heart felt beg that never wants you to stop

To continue for ever, don’t stop, forever


The pressure builds as I struggle to fight it.

To hold it locked far far far behind my iron prison

But my bars are bending and my walls are crumbling

Fighting begging to break free


It has been traped there for so long

In its bottles it boils simmering struggling to escape

Kicks and it screams, it rips and it tears

Eventually im going to break


This pressure is love this pressure comes from the heart

This pressure begs you for more.

You can make me yuou can break me

Just fight on a little bit more

You must break me

Try and break me

Break me


Thursday 6 September 2012

I Hate You. I Hate Me

I Hate You

Your such a fool, always fucking up

You make mistakes and never learn from them

How many broken people do you have to heart

How many disappointed gazes do you want to get?


How many?

How many crying friends

How many Broken hearts

How many Pathetic stupid mistakes

How many times will you FUCK UP !


You try so hard but trying is never enough!

Stop feeling sorry for your pathetic self

Actually Try and … oh I don’t know CHANGE!

You might actually achieve something

Instead of just pain



I hate everything about you

I hate you

You are me


I hate you I hate me


Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Power Of Distractoin

Never underestimate the power of distractions

Distractions can be heaven, distractions can be hell

They can be your worst nightmare or your best saviour


It can bring you out of your hateful sadness

Or throw you back in ten times harder

The power, heaven, the hell



Sunday 2 September 2012

"Life Is Beautiful"

This is a song i heard recently by Sixx AM called Life is beautiful. 
Its a song I listen to when i am feeling down.
check out the video at the bottem.
Life Is Beautiful
You can't quit until you try
You can't live until you die
You can't learn to tell the truth
Until you learn to lie

You can't breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you're the joke
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I know some things that you don't
I've done things that you won't
There's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home

I was waiting for my hearse
What came next was so much worse
It took a funeral to make me feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?


Saturday 1 September 2012

Do you care ?

Seeking help is not weak
It is a sign of brains
It is strength

Sometimes giving in is worth it.
If you give in you can end a fight
Can you put your pride behind you

How much do they matter ?
Do you care ?
Do they care ?

What is it all achieving
Apsafuckinglutly NOTHING !

Its some stupid argument
where you both lock horns
and try to see who comes out best

just fuck it
no one bloody cares
no one gives two shits

so get the fuck over your self
suck up your pride
get on with life 

This is my opinion on arguments and fights.
Do you value your friendship with the person ?
Yes? Then BACK THE FUCK DOWN! Does it matter
Is it worth destroying a friend ship? NO !
If you are too shallow to see that then you don’t
Deserve to be friends with the person.

Sorry about the weird post but I’m feeling strange.

-Cleft Lip Kid  

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Here I stand heart in hand

Crying out to all the land

Weeping for lost happiness

Times of laughter times of bliss

Here I stand knife in hand

Blood sprays forth drops touch the land

Weeping eyes cry the last tear

My time of dying is so near

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Anger, Fear, Weakness

Violent anger ripples like fire
Driven by fear
Caused by weakness

The anger boils through my veins
Sitting there insides aflame
Till nothing remains

The fear is chased by the fiery flames
Terrified and looking for someone to blame
I run tears falling screaming hatefully my name

The weakness falls in pieces drowned in tears of weeping flames
Crumbled to worthless pieces drenched in self-hate
Not a shred of hope remains

There I lie broken
With my fear, weakness and anger pains 
Bleeding out till no worthlessness remains 

Monday 27 August 2012

The Miracle Worker

Love …..
It lets you know your alive.
It pulls you out of the boring struggle of day to day life
And gives you a kick up the pants we so often require
It makes us feel like we are worth some thing to some one
And gives us not only a reason to get up in the morning
But one to be the best darn human you bloody well can be
It works Miracles

Sunday 19 August 2012

Your love...

Thinking of her beautiful face brightens up my day
Brings me out of my sadness and gives me a reason to go on.
She gives me drive, purpose in this cold world.
The light at the end of the tunnel and the stars reflected in my eyes.

Every day I fight, fight through each day to see you
And every time I leave you it is a struggle but I only
Have to look to the next day , the next time, our next meeting
And the sun comes back out from behind the clouds.

Love …
Your love
Is gold

Saturday 18 August 2012

She paints ...

Hello again.
this is a sweet poem i saw on face book. it has so much meaning and i can relate to it strongly so i thought i must share it with you all.
this isnt my work
but who ever's it is is a truely great poet
She paints a pretty picture

but this picture has a twist

you see.. her paintbrush is a razor

and her canvas is her wrist

she paints her pretty picture

in a color thats blood red

while using her sharp painbrush

she ends up finally dead

her pretty pictures fading

quite slowly on her arm

the blood is not racing through her

she can no longer do harm

she painted her pretty picture

but her picture had a twist

you see her mind was the razor

and her heart was just her wrist

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The saddness: i fall

Hey internet. I have returned.
This isnt so much of a poem such some weird poem like combination of opinion and a mix of sad depressing emotions. I will still not be posting too regularly as i still have alot of problems i am stilll trying to fix.
Any how i hope you like it.

I hate emotions
Im always so down :(
Always sad
Every day i have a huge preasure on my sholders
crushing me
Dragging me back
Trapping me
Every day is a struggle as i fight not to fail
Fight not to fall
But every day i crumble
Every day i Do fail
I Do Fall

Falling deeper into that dark pit that is sadness
im on the edge of it fingers gripping the crumbling rock
holding on to all i love dearly but my stregnth is failing.

Like a huge stone monument that stands tall
even the strongest of substances can be .
will be worn down and eventualy fall to the destruction of the
all mighty sea

The all mighty saddness

I fall

Saturday 16 June 2012

The End ... For Now

Due to School, exams and a number of other personal problems i am unable to keep posting
I will most likely start again when i have enough time to.
at the moment this is the end

but when im ready i hope to restart this blog :)

i hope you have a good time

and life a good life

cleft lip kid -

Monday 23 January 2012

dead men

Dead men, dead men
swinging in a tree
How many dead men
do you see?
Tongue turned blue and
face turned grey
Watch them as they
twist and sway

The first one murdered
the butcher man
Then cooked him in
the frying pan
Served him out to his hungry guests
And gave them more on second requests.

The next one with his innocent smile
and sweets
Stole poor children off the streets
He sold them into slavery
to men that dressed unsavoury

Breaking into home at night
The thief he had a nasty fright
Filled his foolish head with ale
And woke the next morning
in the local jail

The artist with his artisic skills
Tried his hand at painting bills
But caught in rain he was undone
When the ink he's use did
start to run

With promises of great return
Taking gold he did not earn
Bundled it up out of sight
Quietly slipped off into night

Three houses into ashes burned
The sheriff with no place to turn
Did spy a stranger to his town
Locked him up and beat him down

Dead men, dead men
swinging in a tree
How many dead men
do you see?
Six feet long and
six men wide
Round their necks
the noose be tied......


Saturday 21 January 2012

Is it worth it ?

Is it worth it ?

What will I gain/What will I lose

was it worth it ?
It wasn’t worth losing your friendship.
It wasn’t worth the pain it caused us both.
The pain.
The scars.
 You have to ask your self: can I live with perminant scars
 on my body ?
If yes then continue the blood letting
If no then make changes .
If you can't live with the results and what is left over then
It isn’t worth it.

So ask your self : is it worth it ?

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Nobody saw when you were crying in your bed.
I wanted to help you but I hid myself instead.
The ticking of a clock, then suddenly not.
Fate left me here in the shadow I will rot.
Under my covers in the darkness kept me in.
Only the daylight can save me from sin,

-silent hill homecoming

Friday 13 January 2012

Curled up and crying

I’m responsible for your pain ,It was me. Don’t give me that “its not your fault” thing
As I can see you blinking back tears. My actions have caused you pain, my Stupid Fucking actions! All my life its been the same. All my life all I would do is hurt you and you would comfort me when you were dying, cut up and destroyed on the inside.

I know you don’t want me to, but if I am to cause you any more pain I should also suffer and if it ends yours then we are both better off.

All you can do is watch as I lay here
Curled up and crying
Bloodied and dyeing

Your pain will be over soon
I promise

Monday 9 January 2012


hey peepz
im really sorry i havent been blogging much recently, i have been away camping and am sick at the moment, never fear i am writing lots so there will be more to go up when i am able
cleft out