Wednesday 7 November 2012

Losing it

Loseing control
Too much stress
Too much pain
I could let it all go
Loose it all I loose every thing I care about
So I have no more pain
I must lose control
Help me lose control !
Numb the pain ! LET IT GO!!!! Losing control
Too much stress
Too much pain
I could let it all go
Loose it all I loose every thing I care about
So I have no more pain
I must lose control
Help me lose control !
Numb the pain ! LET IT GO!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This kind of pain is excruciating, terrifying.. Your perspective prose of such, here.. Provides such important, and deep reflection.. This exact kind of moment in mindfulness, is far too oft left exempt, history.. Thankyou, thankyou so much, for recording these very important feelings... Such a pure marker of expression for growth, and a brightly glowing creative soul, brings something forth of greatest worth.. Something, you can only know in yourself... You are deserving of every bit of praise that can be given for all your determination and powerful, vulnerable energies.. I may have voiced these thoughts far, far later than I would've liked.. -The fact shall always remain, that you ring true, so raw, so tender -fierce.. Your creations are giving so much value to this humble universe, and I need you to know that seeing You make it through so much, and embrace your innate courageous vibrancy, has made me so happy, that I simply can't stop myself from smiling in tandem, every time I see your smiling face, the strength and heart ever-present in that gorgeous grin, of yours.. An image that fills me with a protective fondness, once it's dance graces my mind.. ***Thankyou, beloved friend.. Once more, thankyou*** <""""Vv"""""""vV""""> {= - w -}=
