Wednesday 15 August 2012

The saddness: i fall

Hey internet. I have returned.
This isnt so much of a poem such some weird poem like combination of opinion and a mix of sad depressing emotions. I will still not be posting too regularly as i still have alot of problems i am stilll trying to fix.
Any how i hope you like it.

I hate emotions
Im always so down :(
Always sad
Every day i have a huge preasure on my sholders
crushing me
Dragging me back
Trapping me
Every day is a struggle as i fight not to fail
Fight not to fall
But every day i crumble
Every day i Do fail
I Do Fall

Falling deeper into that dark pit that is sadness
im on the edge of it fingers gripping the crumbling rock
holding on to all i love dearly but my stregnth is failing.

Like a huge stone monument that stands tall
even the strongest of substances can be .
will be worn down and eventualy fall to the destruction of the
all mighty sea

The all mighty saddness

I fall


  1. There are people who can help you if you feel down, don't forget!! :)
    Nice reading from you again, despite the fact that your texts are sad :(

    1. i know . my poems are usually sad ... :\ its just how i am. i have been this way for over a year ....

      any how im glad you care <3 thank you
