Sunday 27 November 2011

Bad mistakes

When your running from your self
From your past
From your failure
You really have to have a hard look
Do you have the strength to change
Or will you just keep hurting your self?
Can you fight it
Is it even worth trying

Masking tears


The helper stared hard at his prey
A trouble, worried that could not stay
He stared at it with fearless eyes
And off it ran, howling at the sky

Turning to the just saved friend
He smiled saying “that won’t be back again”
Striding confidently devoid of fears
The mask comes off, out pour the tears

The face shown was just a lie
As curling up he begins to cry
Till once again that mask he dawn’s
That smiling mask, inside forlorn  

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Your pain

I have a friend going through tough times. after suffering for years at the hands of a abusive mother she is finaly rid of her. but the effects are still really visable. she keeps hurting her self as she just doesnt feel the pain. she has learned to help and deal with her own problems by her self with out the help of any one. 
please be carefull  
Your pain is my pain
Your used to living with pain, have lived with it all your life.
I am not used to someone having to.
I have lived what you would probably call a protected live
Been cared for by a loving family and if there were problems then
I was usually to blame
That’s why It hurts to see and to know that pain
was and is an everyday occurrence for her  
even to the Point where it stops hurting.
She shouldn’t have to live like that
So I just sit here crying on the inside and talk to her like nothing is wrong
There is not a problem in the world
Even though its killing us both

I miss you.

My dog was put down tonight :(
It was painfull seeing her suffer. her back legs just died on her
so we had to do it. but the suffering still hurt us soo much.
becase she was always a really happy and strong dog.
I hope its ok :(

I Miss you
It kills me to feel your once strong heart beat flutter and fade
Your once strong body unable to move
Your once powerfull limbs unable to function
You will be with us not much longer
I just wish you could be your old self till u leave
... if i could heal you I would
but having to watch is what is worst
seeing the once strong fall is soo painful.

RIP Misty

Saturday 12 November 2011

Flying- falling- breaking

The world is falling apart.
My friends are falling, and I’m the one breathlessly running around trying to catch them all.
They are all cracking, falling to pieces, and I’m the one there with the sticky tape and glue trying to pick up the broken pieces of their shattered lives with fingers held together with duct tape and a soul begging for repair.
I’m only one person, but I am carrying the weight of many on my young shoulders. The lives of many, the ones I love balance dangerously close to tipping.
How much longer can I keep this balancing act up?
How much longer can the glue and tape hold
Before we are end up shattering on the ground?

Friday 11 November 2011


Being grumpy after getting smashed at a game I had never played before.

Being annoyed when asked why I don't like said game after being smashed at the game I had never played before.

Being mad when the asker gets mad that I don't like her favourite game after she has smashed me at the game I had never played before

Being pissed off when the asker storms off after being mad that I don’t like her favourite game after she has smashed me at the game I had never played before

Being worried, stuck in class hoping she doesn’t do anything dangerous.

Being worried  

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Memories in the wind

memories drifting like dust
Memories float like dust a flying
Frozen in beams of sunlight in a quiet still room
The happy times drifting lightly slipping sliding far away
The sad ones heavy, filled with tears.
The raw emotions way them down.
Dead they fall from empty air
Falling flakes upon the ground.
As my life blood seeps away
And my spirit starts to fly
Memories lay a scattered round
Body lying still and silent
Lonely on that empty ground

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bloody wrists and broken hearts

I wrote this poem after seeing this image

It about the reasons why someone would want to slash them self’s. I don’t really have any description about why I wrote this but here it is.

As I lie here
Blood pooling
Head spinning
Heart bleeding
Heart breaking

One thought fights its way
To the forefront of my mind


Why doesn’t she love me?
Why am I not good enough?
Why doesn’t it hurt?

“Why doesn’t it hurt” :
This is the thought going through my head
when it finally processes the blurry shapes   
the muffled voices louder than gunfire barely
reaches my ears.

My heart is slowing
My fission is failing
I’m floating
On a river of blood
On board my bloody
Broken heart