Monday 23 January 2012

dead men

Dead men, dead men
swinging in a tree
How many dead men
do you see?
Tongue turned blue and
face turned grey
Watch them as they
twist and sway

The first one murdered
the butcher man
Then cooked him in
the frying pan
Served him out to his hungry guests
And gave them more on second requests.

The next one with his innocent smile
and sweets
Stole poor children off the streets
He sold them into slavery
to men that dressed unsavoury

Breaking into home at night
The thief he had a nasty fright
Filled his foolish head with ale
And woke the next morning
in the local jail

The artist with his artisic skills
Tried his hand at painting bills
But caught in rain he was undone
When the ink he's use did
start to run

With promises of great return
Taking gold he did not earn
Bundled it up out of sight
Quietly slipped off into night

Three houses into ashes burned
The sheriff with no place to turn
Did spy a stranger to his town
Locked him up and beat him down

Dead men, dead men
swinging in a tree
How many dead men
do you see?
Six feet long and
six men wide
Round their necks
the noose be tied......


Saturday 21 January 2012

Is it worth it ?

Is it worth it ?

What will I gain/What will I lose

was it worth it ?
It wasn’t worth losing your friendship.
It wasn’t worth the pain it caused us both.
The pain.
The scars.
 You have to ask your self: can I live with perminant scars
 on my body ?
If yes then continue the blood letting
If no then make changes .
If you can't live with the results and what is left over then
It isn’t worth it.

So ask your self : is it worth it ?

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Nobody saw when you were crying in your bed.
I wanted to help you but I hid myself instead.
The ticking of a clock, then suddenly not.
Fate left me here in the shadow I will rot.
Under my covers in the darkness kept me in.
Only the daylight can save me from sin,

-silent hill homecoming

Friday 13 January 2012

Curled up and crying

I’m responsible for your pain ,It was me. Don’t give me that “its not your fault” thing
As I can see you blinking back tears. My actions have caused you pain, my Stupid Fucking actions! All my life its been the same. All my life all I would do is hurt you and you would comfort me when you were dying, cut up and destroyed on the inside.

I know you don’t want me to, but if I am to cause you any more pain I should also suffer and if it ends yours then we are both better off.

All you can do is watch as I lay here
Curled up and crying
Bloodied and dyeing

Your pain will be over soon
I promise

Monday 9 January 2012


hey peepz
im really sorry i havent been blogging much recently, i have been away camping and am sick at the moment, never fear i am writing lots so there will be more to go up when i am able
cleft out