Thursday 15 December 2011

The Dark Side of me

The Dark Side of me
I sit there alone, not a smile to my bone
My voice a harsh whispered tone.
Slashes on my wrists, arms and hands, my mouth in a bloody grin.
... My whole life like I had committed a terrible sin.
Your voice an annoying buzz, false tone, true lies.
If I could speak, I’d say in an almighty sigh.
“ Stop it with the sympathy and pretending to care,
I can see the real you through the false stare
I don’t want your help, your manners, your good grace,
Just say it, you hate me. I can see it in your face.
You’re wasting my time don’t you see?
Don’t look so surprised, this is the dark side of me”

By Samantha Montrose

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Alone in a crowd

A chattering crowd swarms around me, Surrounded by people I sit alone. When people are talking but not to me, Their senseless chatter builds forming a wall of sound slowly combining into a wash of unintelligible noise that isolates and secludes me, I may be packed together in a grid of body’s but I am also alone, locked away in a cell of meaningless sound.
I am alone
Alone in a crowd