Sunday 21 October 2012

Hello Friend

Let it all out 
let it all go 
Get out your blades
Let the blood flow

Run down your arms
trailing poison red
your pain will be gone 
your pain will be dead

Let it all out 
Let it all go 
Get out your blades
Let the blood flow

The sting of the blade
Welcome old friend
The  blood that follows
Your nearing your end

Let it all out 
Let it all go 

Get out your blades 

Let your self go

Friday 12 October 2012

Every thing i do ...

Every thing i do i do for you
you are who makes me who i am
you are my light in the darkest of times
who i will get up the earliest times in the morning for
and stay up till the sun rises in the soft blue sky

gYour there when i need you
i will be there ten times over for you
when you are in the darkness let me be your light
let me show you the way
Many hands make light work or so they say
every thing i do i do for you
my friends

Tuesday 2 October 2012


a smile ahead
coz im still in bed
you here becide me
it took me a while to see
that you are there

my head was bare
your beatuty whipes away my troubled thoughts
eyes on eyes no one faught
we move closer
there is a buzz from a toaster
we embrace is a hug
and although i feel like a mug
i know i am safe


I see you, I love you

i see you
standing their
standing bare
standing with care
standing Where
i am standing next to me
standing in my arms
loving you in my arms
loving all of your charms
charmes by your beauty
calmed by your beauty

For sam <3

Why try ?

why try, friends fall
why try, skies darken
Why try, friends die
There is nothing we can do
to save out crew
we stand in devestation
Streets dark, odd birds
rubbish blood gore, darkened scene
hand in hand alone
eyes closed lost friends
dead friends
a war for a lost cause
all over leaing nothg behind
like a plague people falling"leanign you and me
but my knees buckle, you hold me up, screaming
my eyes close, darkness rises
im falling like the fallen
your the last one left now


Too Tired

Too tired of the mask I wear

I crumble and cry out of despair

I fall down upon my knees

Realising their will never be a place for me

Instability is heaven

I sway I twist and bend screaming and shouting
Kicking and slashing anger , pain emotion thick in my voice
LEAVE ME ALONE ! I shout ! fuck off ! I don’t like you
But they keep coming , the emotions keep coming
My guilt my pain my anger keep coming ,attacking me , hurting me !

I grit my teeth ! your not getting the better of me today !
No one can take that from me !